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- Breath of Earth in trade paperback and ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books, Powell’s, Books-a-Million, Mysterious Galaxy, Poisoned Pen, and Bookshop.
- Call of Fire in trade paperback and ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books, Powell’s, Books-a-Million, Mysterious Galaxy, Poisoned Pen, and Bookshop.
- Roar of Sky in trade paperback and ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books, Powell’s, Books-a-Million, Mysterious Galaxy, Poisoned Pen, and Bookshop.
Research Bibliography
The world of the Blood of Earth trilogy, grim as it is, has basis in historical truth. Some historical and cultural changes within the books were deliberate. Other issues are likely the result of my ignorance; I did what I could to remedy that condition, but errors are inevitable.
I used many online resources, as well as the books listed below. Inclusion on this list doesn’t necessarily mean I endorse the material or think it’s an enjoyable read, but it does mean I acquired some useful information.
The links below go to the books’ listings on Amazon OR to a public domain download site for old books. If there is no link, that means the book or article is out of print and must be found elsewhere. If you have any questions regarding the bibliography, reach out to me via the CONTACT ME link on the top menu.
If you are sensitive to spoilers, don’t scroll down! This bibliography contains hints about the plots of all three books in the series.
Breath of Earth sources
San Francisco Around 1906
- Disaster! The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906 by Dan Kurzman
- 1906: A Novel by James Dalessandro
- McTeague: A Story of San Francisco by Frank Norris
- The Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco by Marilyn Chase
Early Twentieth-Century America (General)
- Sears Roebuck and Co. Fall 1900 Catalog (reproduction)
- How to Shoot a Revolver: A Simple and Easy Method for Becoming an Expert Revolver Shot by Colonel William Preble Hall (with thanks to Walter P. and Donna for the gift!)
Earthquakes and Things That Go Boom
- Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883 by Simon Winchester
- A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 by Simon Winchester
- Legends of the Earth: Their Geologic Origins by Dorothy B. Vitaliano
Theodore Roosevelt
- Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life, and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt by David McCullough
- Mark Twain and the Colonel: Samuel L. Clemens, Theodore Roosevelt, and the Arrival of a New Century by Philip McFarland
- The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris
Fun with Poison
- The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum
- A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup
China, Its Mythology, and Chinese in America
- Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans by Jean Pfaelzer
- Swallowing Clouds: Two Millennia of Chinese Tradition, Folklore, and History Hidden in the Language of Food by A. Zee
- Boxers & Saints by Gene Luen Yang
- Samfow: The San Joaquin Chinese Legacy by Sylvia Sun Minnick
- Hatchet Men: The Story of the Tong Wars in San Francisco’s Chinatown by Richard H. Dillon
- Handbook of Chinese Mythology by Lihui Yang and Deming An with Jessica Anderson Turner
- Sweet Cakes, Long Journey: The Chinatowns of Portland, Oregon by Marie Rose Wong
- In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural China by Michael Meyer
- The Devil Soldier: The American Soldier of Fortune Who Became a God in China by Caleb Carr
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Japan and Its Mythology
- The Fox and the Jewel: Shared and Private Meanings in Contemporary Japanese Inari Worship by Karen A. Smyers
- Sources of Japanese Tradition, Volume II, compiled by Ryusaku Tsunoda, William Theodore de Bary, and Donald Keene
Call of Fire sources
Japan, Its Mythology
- Kitsune: Japan’s Fox of Mystery, Romance, & Humor by Kiyoshi Nozaki [available to download as PDF in Reference section on Wikipedia:Kitsune]
- Daughters of the Samurai: A Journey from East to West and Back by Janice P. Nimura
Early 20th Century America (General)
- Hard Drive to the Klondike: Promoting Seattle During the Gold Rush by Lisa Mighetto and Marcia Montgomery
- “Airship-Mooring Masts of the U.S. Air Service,” Aerial Age Weekly; December 12th 1921, Volume XIV No. 14
Native American Tales
- A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend by Ralph Maud
- Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest by Katharine B. Judson
- Totem Tales: Indian Stories Indian Told by W.S. Phillips
Theodore Roosevelt
- A Military History of Sovereign Hawai’i by Neil Bernard Dukas
- Pele: Goddess of Hawai’i’s Volcanoes by Herb Kawainui Kane
- The Burning Island: Myth and History in Volcano Country, Hawai’i by Pamela Frierson
- “Pele’s Journey to Hawai’i: An Analysis of the Myths” by H. Arlo Nimmo, Pacific Studies, Vol. 11, No. l, November 1987
- “Pele, Ancient Goddess Of Contemporary Hawaii” by H. Arlo Nimmo, Pacific Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, March 1986
- Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands by Gavan Daws
- The Hawaiian Revolution (1893-94) by William Adam Russ, Jr.
- The Hawaiian Republic (1894-98) by William Adam Russ, Jr.
- Stories of Hawaii by Jack London, edited by A. Grove Day
- Pau Hana: Plantation Life and Labor in Hawaii by Ronald Takaki
- Mark Twain in Hawaii: Roughing It In The Sandwich Islands by Mark Twain, Foreword by A. Grove Day
- Kokoro From the Heart: Cherished Japanese Traditions in Hawai’i by the Japanese Women’s Society of Honolulu
- “Some Transportation and Communication Firsts in Hawaii,” by Robert C. Schmitt, Hawaiian Journal of History, volume 13, 1979
- Hawaii, the Big Island Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook by Andrew Doughty
China, Its Mythology, and Chinese in America
Roar of Sky sources
- The Japanese in Hawai’i: Okage Sama De by Dorothy Ochiai Hazama and Jane Okamoto Komeiji
- The Islands at the End of the World: A Novel by Austin Aslan
- Hawaii: A History, From Polynesian Kingdom to American Statehood by Ralph S. Kuykendall and A. Grove Day
- Vacation Days in Hawaii and Japan by Charles M. Taylor Jr.
- Seven Weeks in Hawaii by an American Girl by M. Leola Crawford
- The Hawaiian Archipelago: Six Months Amongst the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanos of the Sandwich Islands by Isabella Lucy Bird
- The Real Hawaii: Its History and Present Condition by Lucien Young, USN
- Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes: Collected and Translated from the Hawaiian by W. D. Westervelt
- “The History of Mana: How an Austronesian Concept Became a Video Game Mechanic,” by Alex Golub, The Appendix: Bodies, April 2014—Vol. 2, No. 2
Early 20th Century America (General)
- Inventing the Dream: California Through the Progressive Era by Kevin Starr
- California Revisited 1858–1897 by T.S. Kenderdine
- Victorian Los Angeles from Pio Pico to Angels Flight by Charles Epting
- Southern California by Charles A. Keeler
- A Tenderfoot in Southern California by Mina Deane Halsey
- Phoenix: Valley of the Sun by G. Wesley Johnson Jr
- California Wings: A History of Aviation in the Golden State by William A. Schoneberger
- “On the Wings of To-day: An Account of the First International Aviation Meet in America, at Los Angeles, California” by Charles K. Field, Sunset Magazine, Volume XXIV Number 3, March 1910
- The Giant Airships (The Epic of Flight) by Douglas Botting