Thousand Recipes for Revenge

$2.49 ebook sale on A THOUSAND RECIPES is almost over!

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Blog, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on $2.49 ebook sale on A THOUSAND RECIPES is almost over!

$2.49 ebook sale on A Thousand Recipes for Revenge

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge‘s ebook has been on sale for $2.49 for the month of January. The month is almost done, alas, and that means the sale will also end. The second book in the duology just came out, too, which means you can read them back to back! No worries about months of wait as you wonder what happens next to Ada and Solenn!

Grab the book now through this affiliate link, and please, spread the word! I don’t know when the book will be on sale again.


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TOMORROW: Cozy Up & Read at the Red Wing Library

Posted by on Jan 12, 2024 in Blog, public speaking, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on TOMORROW: Cozy Up & Read at the Red Wing Library

Tomorrow will be my first book event in my new home of Minnesota, and, uh, the temperature is supposed to dip subzero for the first time this season. Brave the cold, and I’ll try to make it worth your while with lots of free, delicious cookies and excerpts from my works. I’ll have some of my new releases for sale, too.

WHERE: Red Wing Public Library in Red Wing, MN, right on the Wisconsin border

WHEN: January 13th at 10am

BE MORE PRECISE, PLEASE: the Foot Room, down in the basement, where there probably aren’t any ghosts


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Posted by on Jan 9, 2024 in Blog, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on Publication Day: A FEAST FOR STARVING STONE

Today’s the day! The second and final book of my Chefs of the Five Gods series is out now in trade paperback, ebook, and audiobook. A Feast for Starving Stone continues the adventures of Ada and Solenn as they strive to bring peace to the continent, and most importantly, to their own broken family. Princess Solenn plays an even bigger role this time around. In many ways, it’s a coming of age tale against a background of war and exceptionally good food.

Buy it everywhere online where books are sold, and request it in your local brick and mortar store (especially those indie stores that always need extra love). Also, please request that your local library buy the series!

Also: this coming Saturday, January 13th, I’ll be talking books, stories, and probably cheese at the Red Wing Public Library here in Minnesota. The event starts at 10am and will be downstairs in the Foot Room. I’ll have my signature cookies, and you can buy copies of my new series and my collection.

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Recent Publications and Promo Stuff

Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 in anthology:nonfiction, anthology:story, Blog, podcast, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on Recent Publications and Promo Stuff

Someday, I’ll feel like I am no longer playing catch-up from the move. Today is not that day.

I’m doing such much-belated updating on my Bibliography page. In particular, the sections for short stories, interviews, guest blogs, and podcasts. The poetry section needs many new entries and will be done soon.

Short Stories

“Apocalypse Playlist” (reprint), The Big Book of Cyberpunk
Birds of London,” Abyss & Apex
“Monsters of the Places Between,” Stupefying Stories #24
“Believe Nothing Said by Clouds,” Stupefying Stories Showcase


6 Books with Beth Cato at Nerds of a Feather
eSpec Books interviews Beth Cato, contributor to Other Aether: Tales of Global Steampunk

Guest Blogs

Scalzi’s Big Idea: A Thousand Recipes for Revenge
My Favorite Bit from A Thousand Recipes for Revenge


H. P. Lovecast Podcast – Ep 22 – Tom Starita and Beth Cato
Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster Ep #97– The Writer’s Chair: How to Build Magic Systems in Genre Fiction featuring AARON ROSENBERG, BETH CATO and SHERRI COOK WOOSLEY
“Headspace” reprint, CatsCast (only subscribers have access to full content)


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Posted by on Sep 26, 2023 in Blog, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on A THOUSAND RECIPES FOR REVENGE on sale in USA, UK, & AUS!

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge cover

This is the last week to catch A Thousand Recipes for Revenge on sale across a chunk of the world. Amazon has the ebook marked down to:

I have no idea when it will be on sale again, so buy it while the price is good! Also, remember that the sequel, A Feast for Starving Stone, comes out in January. This would be a great time to preorder that as well.

[Note that the US Amazon link uses my affiliate information.]


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RELEASE DAY: A Thousand Recipes for Revenge

Posted by on Jun 1, 2023 in Blog, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | Comments Off on RELEASE DAY: A Thousand Recipes for Revenge

A Thousand Recipes for Revenge

It’s June 1st, and A Thousand Recipes for Revenge is now available worldwide! Follow Ada and Solenn into a realm inspired by France of three centuries ago, a world that relies upon magic derived from food. I really hope you enjoy the read and look for the second book in January! Also–please add a rating and review on sites like Amazon and Goodreads! Those numbers mean a lot, especially in the first few weeks.

Thank you!

[Amazon links are through their affiliate program]


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