
Posted by on May 26, 2023 in Blog, public speaking, Thousand Recipes for Revenge | 2 comments

I’m interrupting the usual flow of recipes and book news to bring you an important update: I am moving from scalding hot Arizona to the wintery wilds of Minnesota. That means you may see me at Twin Cities-area conventions and other Midwest gatherings in the coming years. Do you have a favorite? Are you involved with a convention or bookstore that’s looking for future guests? Well hey, drop a comment on this post, send an email via my contact form, reach out on social media–make a connection! (But also please understand if I’m slow to reply.)

As this move is happening at the same time as the full release of A Thousand Recipes for Revenge, I’m also looking for people to keep an eye out for promotions I might miss while in-transit and unpacking. There might be ads on Goodreads or Kindles, recommendations from Amazon–all kinds of things! If you see something, please try to get a picture or screencap and send it my way! Thank you in advance.



  1. Good luck on your move! I’ve found the key to living in the cold up nort is leaving sometime in winter:) I just attended my first WisCon, a fantastic feminist sci-fi/fantasy convention in Madison, WI. They’re taking a break next year, but returning the year after, and it’s an inclusive, delightful, marvelous gem of a conference.

  2. I just finished A Thousand Recipes and loved it! If you ever send out pre-releases for review, I’d love to be on the list for the sequel coming in January